ARE YOU A GIFTED CHILD Looking for special opportunities?

Would you have found this advert interesting if you had seen it in a newspaper or magazine?  What was the most interesting or useful gift that one of the children had? Why?

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TTS - Barbara P - Library

tts Maliha M y6
1/18/2010 11:35:28 am

I havent finshed the book but I love it so far it is amazing book.

TTS Hannah C Y6
2/9/2010 04:02:37 pm

I love this book! It is one of my favourite books ever and I strongly recommend this book. There is no question about it, I am going to vote for this.

tts issy houseman
2/11/2010 06:10:50 pm

this book is awesome its so.... ahh its perfect I wish everyone could read it:)

UWC-East-Zina Seibert
3/1/2010 11:53:41 am

UWC-East-Zina S- g5
3/1/2010 11:56:41 am

This book is awesome! Tis book is a page-turner for sure. I recommend it to anyone out there looking for a good book to read.

UWCSEA-Morgan v-grade 5
3/1/2010 11:57:45 am

i recommend this book to readers wanting a book with a mystery. i liked this book and once it comes back to my library i am going to read it again.

UWCSEAEAST-Clara C- Grade5
3/1/2010 11:58:07 am

This book is really good. I enjoyed it a lot. It has a big mystery in the book that makes it great.

UWC-East-Alexandra R-g5
3/1/2010 12:01:16 pm

This book is great, there is a load of adventure and it is very original. I adore this book and have read the book many times. This book I recommend to any child around my age. Such an awesome book.


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    The Mysterious Benedict Society
    by Trenton Lee Stewart

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    For example,
    TTS - Anna D - Year 6

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    Note: All comments must be approved before showing up on the website.  Please check back in an hour or two - or the next day.


    For more information about this blog or the Red Dot Awards, contact Ms. Barbara Philip, the teacher-librarian at Tanglin Trust School.


    January 2010

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